
JobSeekersAZ – Getting AZ Back to Work!!!

Take a peak at our video on how the program works for you.                                                                   

Register for an upcoming meeting:  http://jobseekersaz.eventbrite.com/

Our Mission:

Bring together public and private businesses, along with philanthropic, non-profit communities, government entities and faith-based organizations, with the goal of connecting BEST Companies with BEST Candidates and helping to get AZ Back to Work!

Our Approach:

Provide weekly outreach programs offering career connections, FREE education workshops, one-on-one career counseling, networking, job leads and a web portal of career resources.

Meetings consist of two distinct networking groups; one for those just entering the workforce and skilled trade professionals, and one for mid-career and executive level professionals.


Twitter:  http://twitter.com/jobseekersaz
LinkedIn:  JobSeekersAZ
Facebook:  JobSeekersAZ
Event Registration: www.jobseekersaz.eventbrite.com

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